Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

GD Said (Love Love Love)

"Just because you like someone, doesnt mean she'll be with you" - GD

hmm.. its not an easy topic..

That XX tells abt a guy who loves a girl who has a bf and the bf is bastard.

i think, a guy like GD should be easy to get someone tht he loves, rite? But he said tht he doesnt have to be w the girl. For a moment  i feel like, "hey, wht?! are u insane?! Grab her, u son of the bitch!"
hahhaha kasar kieu..

but this statement is rolling over in my head. and i finally i said 'yeah.Its called love!'

"Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do. Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil. Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting." 1 Corinthians 13.4-7 Contemporary English Version

GD was right! When we love someone but she/he is somebody else gf/bf wht should we do? let her/him go. Even her/his bf/gr is bastard.

Love never rude.
when we try to grab something tht not ours, we become rude. Ga pernah ngerti sama orang yang bilang kalo mereka temenan tapi yang mereka lakukan adalah pacaran. Jalan berdua, nonton berdua, oh how i wish they die together! Hahahhaha....Its called rude, hey! Yang bener adalah ketika kamu pengen jalan ama dia, ajak juga pacarnya, itu baru namanya sahabat.

Love isnt selfish
Should i explain this? i guess its obvious!

Love always supportive
Supportive is about honest, opened, nothing to hide. I bet when u hang with her/him, pacarnya pasti ga tau. and its not supportive..

So what to do?

Love her with God's love. Jadi temen dia itu bukan berarti jadi selingkuhan dia. Bukan sama sekali. jadi temen dia berarti jadi temen pacarnya juga. Hahhaha.. Kalo dia putus ama pacarnya, itu suatu bonus, nah baru deh nyekil di situ.

Inti dari semuanya adalah TULUS.

i wanna learn how to love mr.D. I wanna love him with God's love so i expect nothing, i just give.
He's too far.. Idk how far he is, but we separated too long. When i tried to love other guy, i just become worse and worse. I quit giving up. I just wanna love him with my pure heart. He doesnt hav to be with me. He doesnt hav to love me. Hahhaa, its silly to say, u knw wht, it almost 3 years i love him tapi baru 4 kali kita duduk bareng dan ngobrol langsung. Patethic? No, i guess not. I enjoy it.

mandang dia dari kejauhan tanpa dia tau neng ada atau ngga juga udah seneng. Seneng banget malah. Yeah, neng lagi belajar.. Tapi yakin suatu hari nanti rasa ini bakal ilang koq.. i pray for tht everyday. Hahhahah

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