Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Lost My Ambition

i thought i can fix everything by my own.
i'm old enough to do this and that
i'm old enough to say this and that
the fact, i'm just a 12 years old girl traped in 21.

when i met my giant, i tried to face it
i tried to stand and still
but at the end i ran

its too big and i were too tiny
its too big and i were too scared

when i tried to fix it by my self,
it's gettin worse and worse
and i ran

i never did somethin good in my life
i never achived somethin gorgeous in my life

i have no idea why He want me
what makes He thinks tht i can make somethin great for other ppl

i hate myself
its not easy to forgive myself
ppl around me force me to do the right things
they force me to say the right things
they force me to hold on

they dont want me to die
they said tht they love me
but this wound wont be healed

maybe they love to see me in this pain

they screamed so

whts wrong w me?!

i hate to say this, but i'm not good enough for You, G!
i'm not good enough for anyone.

i cant be a good sister
i cant be a good daughter
i cant be a good friend
i cant be a good employee
i cant be a good student
i cant be a good lover
i cant be a good me

6 komentar:

  1. Dia yg memilih kamu sangat tau kekuatanmu..
    Dia pilih kamu karna kamu mampu..
    Kamu gadis yg dewasa koq, kamu tidak sedang terparangkap dalam usia yg semakin bertambah, theslan yg aku kenal adalah theslan yg dewasa, teman, saudari dan murid yang baik..
    Jangan dijadikan beban, oiya kamu hanya punya 1 kepribadian..

    Kita semua sayang sama theslan, jadikan ini sebagai salah satu pemicu semangattt..!!!
    Maju terus neng!!!!! ;

  2. siapa yaa? aku orangnya subjektif soalnya.. kalo gakenal banget gakan jadi semangat juga, hahhaha..

    mumu, kah?

  3. Bkn mumu..
    Cari aja di bbrp bus, warung nasi, apotek, perumahan,dll maka ada nama aku disana.. ternyata nama itu dr bhs sunda..
    Kenal, pasti kenal tapi mgkin bkn tmn yg spesial..haha
    Udah bisa tebakkk??
    Neng dmn skrg?

  4. inggrid ngingi lain?
    ah, urang mah moal semangat mun lain john... #aduhkesebut

  5. Mun inggrid mah di fb we atuh, da udah jdi pren..tetot jawaban anda masih salah.. :D
    John blg melekatlah pada pohon. Yaa tambah lekatlah, supaya ada kekuatan baru, supaya tujuan dan gairah hidup neng kembali berapi"...
    Aku mmg bkn John, tapi aku mewakili John mau blg "jgn menyerah meski gunung yg harus didaki sangat tinggi dan terjal, jangan menjadi lelah ketika harus menerjang badai dan jangan takut dgn goliat raksasa karna dgn batu yg kecil sajah dia sudah bisa dikalahkan"

    Maju terus neng....!!!!!!


mari bicara :)

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